Tag Archives: New York

March 28, 2007

Stagestruck 3 28 07

Hey You,

I went on my first New York audition a few weeks ago. It was for an original play with Mae West as a character in it.


Mae West isn’t she divine?

It was so much fun doing research for it. I got a DVD compilation of several of her movies and studied her thoroughly. What a fabulous woman! Did you know that she not only starred in but wrote most of her movies?  I also love the way she used her body, flirted and threw innuendo around. She was so deliciously naughty without being in the least bit vulgar. It’s revolutionary and refreshing even today. I teased you a little last time with what Mae and I had in common besides our generous curves. I have sat on her toilet. What? Oh yes, I have!  My toosh and hers have shared the same throne. I have an X who bought her Pink toilet and bathtub at an estate sale. He put it in a rental unit bathroom redo. Oo la, la. lucky toilet.

Back to my audition story. So I prepared a hilarious monologue (which works so perfectly done as Mae West). I went to the audition and they told me the play had been canceled. Ugh. Keep Reading

March 12, 2007

Actually, I’m already getting ahead of myself.  I need to introduce my new column drum roll please; tttttmmmm, tttttmmmm, tttttmmmmm, TADA!!!  Stagestruck!!!  Like the title? Me, Too! But, are you wondering what’s it all about?

It’s about me and my journey to reclaim a dream I had early in life, a dream that I haven’t done much more than flirt with for years.  What-???-, dream, journey, flirt, reclaim, why now, what is she talking about?  I’m glad you asked. When I was a child I wanted to be an actress and not just any actress but a stage actress.


Helen Hayes

In sixth grade we had to do a report on someone we admired who was working in a career we were interested in.  With a little guidance from my mom, (face it I was in sixth grade the only actors I knew were on TV). We choose Helen Hayes. She was so beautiful, graceful and refined, a true lady and an amazing actress. Not only did she do TV and movies but she was a stage actress, oh bliss! That’s what I wanted. I pursued it by getting myself trained, enrolling in classes, workshops, drama schools, university etc, etc. But when it came time to actually do it, I’d always stop short. I moved to Los Angeles instead of big scary New York. I got a job, met a man and sidetracked myself, typical story. During those sidetrack years I flirted around with going back and pursuing acting but never had the follow thru. Until now.

Now, as they say is a new day and it is time, actually way past time, for me to start living the life I’ve always wanted. There’s a quote I use as inspiration by George Eliot ‘It is never too late to be what you might have been.’ I’ve used it as a mantra for a few years and just found it on a refrigerator magnet that I will hang on my new fridge in New York City. NYC, that’s right! Keep Reading